Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Jew-backed Inquisition

“Though shalt not suffer a witch to live” – infamous quote from the Jewish Torah

“The powerful shall powerfully suffer torments.” – quote from the ‘Wisdom of Solomon’

“ I will cut off sorceries from your hand, and you shall have no more tellers of fortune” Micah 5:12

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders 2 Thessalonians 2:9

“Adultery and sorcery have destroyed everything" (Sotah ix, Jewish Talmud)

“magic is akin to idolatry [heresy]” – quote  from the Jewish Encyclopedia

“Eternal damnation should begin in this life, that it might be in some way shown what will be suffered in hell.”– quote from the Witches Hammer

Contrary to what modern “historians” will tell you, “fact checkers” only exist in the minds of sheep-like beings and other blank slates. Remember, it is the victor who writes history, and the victor is never asked if he told the truth. And what better tactic for the winner to take if he portrays himself as the victim rather than the aggressor? Him and his associates would avoid being hated for starting an unnecessary war, and the deaths of millions. Instead they would be (and are) given special status of the ‘wounded animal’, and what kind of monster would step on the wing of an injured bird? This psychological play is one that the Jews have employed for generations, and they will continue to use it until they are stopped.

“We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!”
Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b, The Jewish Talmud

The infamous "Hammer of the Witches" aka The Malleus Maleficarium was written by James Sprenger and Henry Kramer (both have JEWISH surnames). 

A man named Alfonso de Castro wrote Adversos omnes haereses libri XIV. It became one of the foundations of persecution of heretics [Pagans] in the 16th and 17th centuries. “Castro” is a JEWISH surname as well. ( Jews play the “wounded animal” act when it comes to Communism)

Matthew Hopkins was an infamous witch hunter who had an assistant (or handler) that went by the name of “John Stearne”, ‘Stearne’ is a Jewish last name.

Major Grand Inquisitors admitted to be Jewish even by mainstream historians  include: 

 Tomás de Torquemada (who headed the Spanish Inquisition)

Pedro de Portocarrero
Gaspar de Quiroga
 Diego Deza
Jewish names of Grand inquisitors with Spanish –sounding variations:
-          Diego de Espinosa - variation of the Jewish last name Spinosa/Spinoza
-          Luis Mercader Escolano variant of Jewish Eshkol.
-          Diego Ramirez de Guzman variant of Jewish Gluzman.
-          Andrés de Orbe variant of the Jewish Orke.
-          Adriaan Florenszoon Boeyens (Pope Adrian VI) variant of Jewish Boyer or Boerne.
Bernardo de Sandoval variant of the Jewish Sanvil. 
 Many of the Catholic inquisitors are portrayed with obvious Jewish features like;
 Sixtus IV
 Juan Pardo de Tavera
   Juan Everardo Nithard
 Fernando Niño de Guevara
 Juan Tomás de Rocaberti
 Diego de Astroga
 Fernando de Valdés

  Francesco del Giudice
   Francisco Antonio de Lorenzana

 Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros

“Jews must destroy the books of Pagans” – Shabbath 116a, quote from the original Jewish Talmud.

On the original Talmud:

Once the Jew had done away with the massive whole of Pagan society, they began the destruction and corruption of all that was once Pagan. Most of the ancient Pagan works were destroyed, like the destruction of the library at Alexandria all over again. The remaining texts that survived were altered and corrupted scared with the defiling mark of the Jew for generations.

"Do not give them [Jews, Christians, Muslims] your books, lest they alter them without your knowledge." – Satan, The Al-Jilwah

Gothic [Goetic] cathedrals that were once places of Pagan worship were perversely ravaged as well. This is why even to this day you will see churches, cathedrals, and synagogues with Pagan symbols etched in  floors, walls, ceilings ect. Some notable examples:

Zodiac at Beth Alpha synagogue

Rune stone at Botkyrka Church 

 Star of Astaroth and Peacocks at En Gedi synagogue

Gargoyles, seen on most cathedrals represent the lower order of Demons ( Pagan Gods)

 Odin, Raven, and Swastikas at Great Canfield Church

Kaarma Church

The Pagan Greenman, also seen in many cathedrals

Swastikas at Umm el–Qanatir synagogue

“International Jewry is ready with its alibi. Just as during the great reckoning in Germany, they will attempt to look innocent and say that one needs a scapegoat, and they are it. But that will no longer help them, just as it did not help them during the National Socialist revolution, The proof of their historical guilt, in details large and small, is so plain that it can no longer be denied even with the most clever lies and hypocrisy.” - Joseph Goebbels

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