Saturday, November 24, 2012

Why the Christian Religion and National Socialist doctrines are NOT compatible

The Christian religion and National Socialist doctrines are not compatible." – Martin Bormann

Pride: The National Socialist doctrines of national (Gentile) pride are condemned in both the Old and the New Testament. In the Bible pride is associated with SATAN (the adversary of the Jews), hence the Christian psyche term taken from the Bible; “Pride goeth before the fall.”

Racial Awareness: In Titus 3:9 and Timothy 1:4, Christ preaches against knowing your racial history. Christ also preaches that there is no difference between Gentile and Jew in Romans 10:20, Galatians 3:28, and many other places in the Bible. Whereas, we Satanists/Nazis are very aware of our Races because it is the link between us and our ancient Gentile ancestors, the Gods (Demons).

 “— contrarily to what the Christians maintain — that capacity to reflect the divine is closely linked with man’s race and physical health; in other words, that the spirit is anything but independent from the body.” – Savitri Devi

Warrior Spirit: Christ came to destroy the (Satanic/Nazi) warrior spirit – to destroy the Übermensch, with his teachings of “only love never hate, be meek and humble, turn the other cheek to your oppressor, submit to your worldy masters, power is made in weakness and love thine enemy.”
All of the above are examples of the anti-warrior – the Liberal - Christ dead on a stick.
Refuting the argument for this one:

   Christ “came not to bring peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34) Is the argument. But If you read the rest of that verse, he talks about tearing apart the family unit for not loving him the most (10:35-36). So Christ’s only purpose for bring the sword was to destroy families. And contrary to what the liberals believe, a psychopath with a weapon (and Othello syndrome) does not constitute a warrior.

To paraphrase Nietzsche; The Christian lacks the virility to be an enemy.

Supremacy: Despite what the media has to say the Nazis were NOT White supremacists, especially considering the Black, Asian, Arab, Indian, and other non-White races that made rank in the Third Reich. Christianity, on the other hand is a supremacist religion built on Jewish supremacy; from the Old Testaments stories of the “chosen people” slaughtering Gentile Nations to the New Testament’s “Salvation is of the Jews.” (John 4:22) Which makes sense considering the “savior” in Christianity is a Jew, which further puts the emphasis on the superiority of the Jewish race.

The Family: In Matthew 10:34-36, Christ states that he wishes to destroy the family unit. The Nazis wanted quite the opposite for the future of the Aryan race. The ideal Aryan was married and had children. Every SS man was given a handbook that outlined Pagan/Satanic family celebrations. Needless to say a bickering, hostile family is not the ideal Aryan family.

Abortion: The Nazis promoted having a family, but not at any cost. That’s why early on, Hitler legalized abortion. We Satanists take the same stance, as High Priestess Maxine states,
Bringing a child into the world, just to make sure it is born, NOT giving a
care about its future, its emotional and physical well-being, its other needs,
health care, nurturing and environment only breeds more maladjusted [through no
fault of their own- VICTIMS] human beings, which is very sad. The suffering is
then perpetuated. Unwanted children are the victims who pay the price for being
born. SEXUAL ABSTINENCE DOES NOT WORK. The jews then further their agenda with
the survivors [many unwanted children are abused to the death] making more money
off of the psychiatric industry, psychiatric drugs; those with psychological
problems are often a danger not only to themselves, but to society [many of the
criminally insane were abused as children and unwanted]. The jew needs a fucked
up, maladjusted society in order to institute their agenda. The more confused,
psychologically disturbed people there are, the better the jews can advance
their agenda.”

Again, this ties into the fact that the Nazis promote a HEALTHY family, not the type of family Christ wants.

Treatment of animals: Christ not only chased animals out of his temple with a whip, but also drown an entire heard pigs who did nothing wrong. Then there’s all the disgusting (Jewish) ritual slaughter of goats in the Old Testament, which Xians like to say, is what Satanism is about. When in reality, animals and goats especially, are sacred to Satan. Satan would never ask one of his disciples to senselessly kill an animal. Satanists have respect for animals, just like the Nazis. The Nazis set up animal protection rights, banning degenerates from abusing animals.

“Man should not feel so superior to animals. He has little reason to. Man believes that he alone has intelligence, a soul, and the power of speech. Has not the animal these things? Just because we with our dull senses, cannot recognize them, it does not prove that they are not there.” – Joseph Goebbels
For more on Nazi animal rights:

Equality: The Christians and the Communists believe we are all equal, equally shit. The Christians claim that all are sinners, from the new born infant to the most depraved child rapist, we are all on the same lowly level.
True Satanists/Nazis realize this very basic principle of nature, that all men, all things are NOT equal. 

Life: Anyone who’s even relatively familiar with the teachings of Christ can see that the message is a declaration of war on life, nature, and the will to live. The Nazis, on the other hand had a love of life, especially in securing the lives of future generations. Mothers who conceived and raised the most children (created the most life) were awarded the Cross of Honour of the German Mother. Satanism, despite the Jewish media’s negative portrayal, is actually a life-loving religion; the goal (Godhead) in Spiritual Satanism is to be attained during life, not in some fantasy land beyond death.
 “The final goal of Spiritual Satanism is the obtainment of the Godhead and spiritual-physical [meta] perfection and immortality and eternal youth with the powers of the psyche.

This is why spirituality is the center of a healthy persons life. As our soul animates our existence and the one thing we have that is eternal. Our symbol is the sun.”
-          HP Don Danko

Self Destructive Lifestyles: Hitler launched an anti-smoking campaign and drunks were kicked out of the Nazi party. That being said, Christ would have never been able to hack it, because of the fact that he was a drunkard [Luke 7:34] (and a jew among other things). Spiritual Satanism is about freedom and what you do with your own body is your own business, but most of us agree that when you start working on your soul (doing power meditation) you grow less attached to drugs and alcohol and you also develop discipline and self-control.

Race-mixing: Throughout the Old Testament are stories of hook-nosed heroes running into foreign lands taking sex slaves. So not only does the Bible glorify rape, but also race-mixing.

Homosexuality: Unbeknownst to most, the Nazis did NOT persecute homosexuals. Most ‘historians’ point to the pink triangle badges and shout, “Persecution of homosexuals!” When in reality inmates who wore the pink triangle were mainly sex offenders, which included child molesters (many of them Priests) and rapists, not homosexuals.

Many also point to the “Rohm Purge” as evidence of anti-homosexual activity, because Rohm was the openly homosexual leader of the SA, but Rohm and his men were killed because they were plotting to over-throw Hitler, sexual orientation had nothing to do with it. Rohm is even quoted as saying;
"Hitler can't walk over me as he might have done a year ago; I've seen to that. Don't forget that I have three million men, with every key position in the hands of my own people, Hitler knows that I have friends in the Reichswehr, you know! If Hitler is reasonable I shall settle the matter quietly; if he isn't I must be prepared to use force - not for my sake but for the sake of our revolution."
"I won't be a spoil sport to any of my men. If I demand the utmost of them, I must permit them to let off steam as they see fit, not as it suit's a lot of elderly church-hens. My lads are no angels… nor are they expected to be. I've no use for goody-goodies and League of Virtu-ites." - Adolf Hitler

For more information on homosexuals in the NSDAP see:

More good info - Communism and Christianity persecute homosexuals:

Godhead: In Satanism, the ultimate goal is to reach Godhood – To reach equality with the Gods. This was also a goal of the SS officers and other high ranking Nazis. It is said that, ““Hitler firmly believed in the coming of a new race, the ‘Supermen’. He expected them to be a literal “mutation” of Homo Sapiens, achieved by arriving at “higher levels of consciousness.”

Whereas, in Christianity, Lucifer sought after equality with God, and raised the consciousness of mankind and was labeled the “enemy” for it. 

"Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery.” – Adolf Hitler


Note: Although the bible is a work of fiction, the story of Lucifer/Satan and ‘the fall’ is based on the fact that Enki/Satan gave us chakras and the ability to become as Gods, this action angered the other gods/Extra Terrestrials. So the enemy ET’s/gods attacked humanity causing the [kundalini] serpent to fall.

Property: Christianity, like Communism is very anti-property, Karl Marx said that Communism could be summed up with the phrase, “abolition of property”, which is no different than Christ’s “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your belongings, and give away the money.” Adolf Hitler stated, “Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not.” We Satanists, are not anti-property, we realize that there needs to be a balance between the material and spiritual. Whereas, Christianity has always promoted imbalances, such as the emphasis on ‘love’ and the suppression of hate, which brings me to my next point;

Love & Hate: The Nazis weren’t shy about showing their hatred of their enemy, they didn’t take in the suicidal ideology of “love your enemy”.

: Jehovah's punishment for men was that they would 'work to the sweat of their brow'. I can't imagine the German Workers Party adopting the phrase "work is a curse from god."

Science: The Nazis did away with the old Jewish pseudo-science and started over, which is one reason why they advanced so rapidly in the realm of science over such a short period of time. They advanced humanity in many realms of science, rather than plunging us into another dark age.
As for the Nazis performing “live human experiments,” this is what historian Richard Evans says on the matter;
“We all have an image in our minds of the role of scientists in Nazi Germany: sinister, lab-coated figures who spent half their time conducting gruesome – and largely pointless – experiments on concentration‑camp inmates to gratify their own cruel impulses, and the other half devising futuristic weapons of mass destruction for Hitler to hurl at the advancing Allies in a last attempt to stave off defeat.
Yet once you dig a little deeper, what is so disturbing is how prosaic the reality was, how similar in form, if not content, their work was to the research of today. As I discovered when researching a history of the Nazis at war, much of what scientists did under the Third Reich was regarded as “normal science”, subject to standard protocols of peer review in conferences and journals. The infamous Dr Josef Mengele regarded himself as a normal scientist, held seminars to discuss his experiments, got research funds from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, and reported regularly to his teacher, the eminent scientist Otmar von Verschuer, on his progress.”

Sex: Christianity constantly suppresses human sexuality, we Satanists understand that they do this is because sexual energy is the lifeforce that liberates the kundalini. Satanists do not suppress sexuality; this is partially why the Nazis set up brothels for themselves.

Judgment: Christ says that only he (or the father aspect of himself - Jewhovah) can judge men. The only sin in Satanism is stupidity, to know if someone’s an idiot, you have to judge them. The Nazis obviously judged peoples as well. To take away one’s ability to judge is to take away the ability to perceive. That’s quite telling about how Christ wants his sheep to be.

Masochism: Christ preaches that we should “turn the other cheek” to our enemies, and if someone wants to steal our shirt, we’re supposed to not only strip off our shirt, but also hand them our jacket as well. Consider how a rape case would be handled if the jury, the judge, and the prosecutor all had the above in mind. – This teaching is sick and twisted on so many levels. The Nazis sure as hell didn’t agree with such insane and cowardly ideology. When German minorities were being killed by the Polish [jew-controlled] government Hitler smashed them on the other cheek, so to speak. Satanists don’t take abuse either; Hate for Hate and scorn for scorn.

Economics & co-dependence: The Nazis economy was based on self-reliance (autarky). Satanism is all about self-reliance as well, this is something that Satanists of every sect agree on. Christ on the other hand promotes a co-dependent/Communist economy. Acts 4:34 looks like it was copy & pasted into the Communist Manifesto as it states;

"Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostle's feet: and distribution was made unto every man according to his need."

Rebellion: “Rebellion is a sin of witchcraft.” - 1 Samuel 15:23. If the Nazis had followed this they would have never rebelled against Communism or any other Jewish programs. How can you call yourself a Nazi if you’re to keep your head down all the time and never rebel against the Jew? Satanists also obviously believe in rebellion, as our God is a God of rebellion.

Race Preservation:  Aside from the fact that Christ is against racial awareness. The Christian religion isn't about preserving anything, after all in Revelations it talks  about how Jesus is going to destroy the world and start over again. So what would it matter if you did preserve your race if Christ is just going to kill everyone and start over?

Gun Control: Christ states, “All who draw the sword die by the sword.” Not only is this wafting with the stench of karma, but it’s clear that Christ would be against gun control. This contradicts what the Nazis actually did, the Nazis did not enforce “gun control” contrary to the lie. (for more on that see the link )

 “No free man shall ever be denied the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson

 For more on National Socialism see:

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